Disappearing Inc.

Coming Soon!

For years, we have worked tirelessly to not only rescue classic computers from destruction, but also repair and restore them to their former glory. Our efforts have resulted in one of the largest computer collections in Canada, if not the world, at over 1,500 machines.

From this inventory, we have assembled a unique display of the most popular and historically-significant computers of the past 43 years. Now the day is nearly upon us to open our doors to the public.

When the time comes, we invite each of you to bring your friends and family on a trip through high-tech history. View the break-neck pace of advancement. Marvel at the strange and wondrous designs from times gone by. Witness the beginning of the Internet age. Relive classic games and help introduce a new generation to their elegant simplicity.

But our inventory is not merely for looks. We also have a range of vintage computers and components soon to be for sale to the enthusiast. Bring us your beloved childhood computer for refurbishment, or pick up one of our repaired and warrantied models.

Lastly, we welcome inquiries from film and television. Our expertise and inventory have helped dozens of major productions.

So until we meet in person, please check out the links below, and feel free to contact us for more information.